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A New Look For Diamonds: Aero Diamonds

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
                                                                                        - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This quote aptly describes the beauty of Aero diamond jewelry and we're excited to have this amazing jewelry in our store.  Aero diamonds feature pierced diamonds in fancy shapes - pear, marquise, and princess - as well as round.  The diamonds are laser-drilled so the diamond's beauty can stand alone, minimizing the metal that can occlude the light and fire of the diamond.

The resulting look is minimalist - flirty, yet simple.  Less is more.  With very little metal in the jewelry designs except a little 18 karat gold wire holding the diamonds, the diamonds are free to move and dance - celebrating the music of life.

We have a selection of these stunning diamonds so you can experience their beauty for yourself.
Come in and try some on - we know you'll fall in love with their elegant simplicity.

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