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Dr.Ci:Labo Gold Lift and Super Moisture Sample Sets

While surfing around on Dr.Ci:Labo's official website, an ad for a Gold Lift Sample Set popped up onto my screen. In addition to the gel and the bb cream I already have from the Gold Lift Trial Set, this sample set had 2 other products in the Enrich-Lift range, all free with free shipping. Ooohh...interesting. So I followed the link and what do you know, there was not one but two different sample sets they were giving away, the second being the Super Moisture Sample Set with samples of 5 different products in the Super Moisture range. You bet I'd try them!!!

This ad popped up at me. The huge green button says, "Try it now, free of charge!" OKAY!!! They don't need to tell me twice :P

Since I was already registered with the website, all I had to do was click one button and that was that. I just checked the website again and these 2 free sample sets, and the Gold Lift Trial Set too, both with free shipping are still available, one each per household. So if you have a current Japanese address, quick, go get yours before they run out!!! ^.^

Gold Lift Sample Set

Super Moisture Sample Set
***Pictures from Dr.Ci:Labo JP.
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