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Tim Cook and Apple continue of new ways to claim fake revenues and subscription growth of bots

      Rex Reed Jr
    Tim Apple and his company had seen major declines  of Iphone sales so it was inevitable that this crooked corporatist would figure out other ways to divert illegal money into his star trek enterprise. Out of thin air it was declared that major gains and growth for Apple in the form of the opaque Apple Services revenue would be declared and this is  some sort of bail out for the mismanagement and decline of actual hardware sales of this cult of Apple and its former dead head jag fag Executive Steve Jobs. The Homo Tim Apple now runs Apple and he is determined to ensure the company does not fall flat as it would and should given the turn of the public against the shit services and awful applications it offers and the term Apple Services is an oxymoron.
The fake news claim that Apple is to draw 12 billion in revenue form last quarter  through" services" is of course bullshit and just claims made and revenue declared in order t please share holder and misinform that this company is on its way down and Captain Cook's total prick leadership is fully responsible for this.
F hardware as growth for the iphone had dropped and Tim Apple and his company also lie of the growth of ibud ear pieces likely using free bank money to purchase their own product and moving it to a warehouse or manufacture site. Likewise Apple we ill push their subscription rate plans for these lame boring games and music and television offerings on another outlet and way to play the system with bogus subscription declarations and membership growths. This is the same old clown that quickly shit down an application because Hong Kong freedom protesters  standing up to his benefactor and Chinese mainland crazy neo-capitalists on steroids and China uses these phone companies and Apple to spy on dissenters. Tim Apple is a China loving
authoritarian silly rat bastard desperate to give their  impression libtard California Apple is a important influential force in our culture and economy instead of it shrinking and decline company like Sony.

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