Rusty Stone
An arrest has finally occurred in New York City as a little Leprechaun looking Blackie named Vincent Pickney was arrested for a stabbing spree in another case of black and white violence that is not being covered up by the mainstream media. Vincent Pickney was arrested and let out of Police Station 22 Precinct 22 for a stabbing spree against white people that this little black racist did near Columbia University where he stabbed 6 or 7 white people and kill killing one graduate student.
The amount of violence that is committed on a daily basis by the blacks against whites is never covered in the media unless a as which occurred in recent weeks an Italian graduate student named was knifed in the stomach by Vincent Pickney and the amount of violence that we are seeing in urban areas is a direct result of failed leadership from the Democrat Party and District Attorneys who keep releasing these violent bones out into the streets. This little prick Vincent Pickney was arrested 11
times violent crimes yet somehow Interurban Democrat areas pieces of shit like this are released and this punk ass bitch had 16 violent arrests which he kept coming out of jail in New York revolving door and soft on crime approach for the blacks. This savage Pickeny was reportedly giddy after stabbing two white men killing one of them a doctor student named who was a complete stark opposite human being with distinguished award as opposed to this Black who was a gang member drug pusher and scumbag and walking Black demon in this country. The New York police department and media tried to hide this little gang banging black monster and not make mention of this racial killing of Italian doctoral and soccer student Davidi Giri as it seeks to suppress the amount of violence the blacks direct in their hatred and anger in New York
city against Whites and Asians. For generations freshman students at Colombia and Barnard were told to not walk through Harlem or Morning side Park nut the elephant in the room was to as wise and this was because there were hate filled criminal blacks and the city as it turned Democratic did little to combat this hate crime and targeting of people for muggings, rapes, and beatings based on their skin color nobody informing of this problem or trying to solve black violence and indeed after Tessa Majors and Davidi Giris murder there are still white liberal making excuses of trying to combat poverty as the underlying issue of the crime in New York and not just plain hate and evil of many of these punks who use their youth and commit 18 crimes because they think its cool and fun and don't do any time as the criminals they are because they are black and young. It has nothing top do with poverty.
Evil Black violence and racial hatred can no longer be suppressed and swept under the rug and needs and will be addressed as throughout this country blacks are killing people no reason other than the color of their skin and Biden and the Democrats along with the media don't want to bring this fact about and have people know the truth and dangers Colombia students and all people face in danger on the streets from deranged Blacks. Mr Giri is the second Columbia student brutally murdered by hate filled blacks as last years Tessa Majors was brutally robbed and stabbed to death as well on campus at Colombia university and tougher stiffer sentences are needed against the racist rising tide of black hate crime Colombia
University and wealthy New Yorkers also need to do more to displace the low IQ and dangerous residents in Manhattan and pretty much displace as much of this lower dangerous class that is so close to this important institution of higher learning whose mere presence poses a danger to brilliant young minds like Davide Giri and Tessa Majors that could of continued so much to society, country and the world were it not for these scum thugs in the area.
University and wealthy New Yorkers also need to do more to displace the low IQ and dangerous residents in Manhattan and pretty much displace as much of this lower dangerous class that is so close to this important institution of higher learning whose mere presence poses a danger to brilliant young minds like Davide Giri and Tessa Majors that could of continued so much to society, country and the world were it not for these scum thugs in the area.
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